General Rules of the School
Every pupil must be in possession of the school Almanac which must be brought to school daily and followed carefully.
No pupil is allowed to tear any page from the almanac, breach of this rule will be dealt with severely at the discretion of the Principal and a duplicate will be issued on payment of a fine.
Every student shall have an identity card which shall be carried carefully as a testimonial of bonafide. This identity card shall be issued by the school office and is renewed every year.
In order to inculcate the value of punctuality, late corners may be sent home or fined.
A pupil who is habitually late or negligent and does not abide by the school rules will be asked to leave the school. A record of such breaches is maintained in the school.
It is strictly compulsory for every child to come to school in complete school uniform, neatly combed hair and well polished shoes.
School authorities do not stand responsible for loss of books, money and other valuable articles lost in the school. Pupils are advised to look after their own things.
Irregular attendance, use of abusive language, insubordination to teachers or any kind of cheating or serious misconduct is objectionable to the good tone of the school and is sufficient reason for dismissal of a pupil.
Any damage done to the school property will be fined and the decision of the Principal regarding the compensation will be final.
In order to create an English Speaking atmosphere pupils are advised to speak in English always even in their general conversations. In order to discourage students from conversing in other languages during school hours, and within the campus, a fine will be charged.
Pupils are expected to participate in all co-curricular activities of the school in order to bring about all round development of their personalities.
Parents and Guardians must examine the Almanac and different reports regularly and use them to guide and direct their children in their studies at home.
No student is allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without permission.
Notice of Withdrawal must be given by filling in the form of application for Leaving Certificate before the end of the month, failing which full fees for all months of absence will be charged along with fines.
Leave and Absence
No Pupil should be absent for many days (3 or more) without seeking prior permission of the school authorities.
However, in case of emergency, if a pupil is absent from school without prior permission, must on returning explain his absence by bringing a written note from either Parents / Guardian.
The class teacher may not admit a student in the class unless the leave note has been countersigned by the Principal.
A Pupil returning to school after a long, contagious disease must produce a Doctor’s Certificate without which, he will not be admmited in school.
If a pupil is absent from school for more than 3 days continuously, the Principal must be informed immediately. If the absence continues beyond 7 days, the Parents/Guardian must inform the Principal personally stating the reason of absence in writing.
Repeated absence renders a pupil liable to dismissal. Leave must be obtained by a written application from parents / guardians in the prescribed ‘Leave Record’ in the Almanac.
Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school premises.
Serious misbehavior justifies dismissal.
Pupil who is absent from school or is late will be admitted to the class with the Principal’s permission.
Immediately after the first warning bell the students must go to their respective classrooms in perfect silence for the assembly prayers.